Friday, January 19, 2018

The Tanya Poems

Goddess of the Grove

by Thomas O'Connor

To my Tanya and Silke
My Ladies of Midsummer and Yule

Merry Meet

Merry meet, Merry part
May love and laughter fill your heart

I'm a Druid and Brujo too
We are strong though we are few

Merry meet, Merry part
May you walk the Way

Welcome to my Druid's Grove 
Blessed be your day


As nature is reborn 
From winter into spring
May the Goddess Brigid 
To your home her blessings bring

Beginning with All Hallows
Through the feasts and frosts of Yule
Soon we will have Lady Day
When Queen Aine begins her rule

Candlemas is now at hand
The trees and fields are though as dead
May the Goddess Brigid
Bless your hearth and home and bed 

Remember ye the ancient Rede 
We do well to fulfill
Love the Gods and one another 
Harm none 
Do as thou will

Our Home

We live in a stone house
On a field filled with pheasant
With our dog and two cats
Life is simple and pleasant
For dinner I'll cook some Italian
Or maybe a Vegan delight
Then we'll stay up, share a pot of mint tea
And talk deep into the night
On Saturday nights a dozen good friends
Stop by for dinner right on time
We discuss politics, poverty, peace, and our art
While we share some good weed and good wine
Sunday mornings we sleep in and cuddle
Tañya loves having breakfast in bed
I usually make her blueberry pancakes
Or waffles with whipped cream instead
Weekday mornings Tañya goes to the gym
She's teaching a class in tai chi 
I like to go for a run through the woods
Then we meet at  the diner by seven-thirty
Tañya is a successful real estate broker
I've enjoyed a long teaching career
I will turn 55 in October
So I will retire this year
 Tañya and I are so happy
Tañya and I are so free
If you'd open your heart and your mind
You'd live more like Tañya and me


I love taking Tañya into Manhattan
On a beautiful spring or fall day
The first thing we do
Is have coffee and cake
At our favorite sidewalk cafe
While we eat we listen
To a street musician
On the cello some Pachelbel play
And we'll often go
To an off-Broadway show
Or sometimes we'll catch a ballet
We love to explore the museum mile
Then exhibits go on endlessly
And then there's Shakespeare in the park
And concerts that are so good though they’re free
At dusk we take the subway down to Chinatown
Where we have a Buddhist banquet
Then we'll catch a handsome cab
And cuddle 'neath the blanket
We take the midnight train back to Jersey
Then I drive the truck home to PA
 Tañya would love to live in Manhattan
All I can say is Someday

 Tubing with Tañya

When the summer sun is sweltering
We love tubing down the Delaware
Tañya loves going topless
She says no one on the river will care

We drive from Point Pleasant to Frenchtown
With two huge inner tubes in my truck
We stop at the Frenchtown Cafe for a good breakfast
And get seated right away with some luck

We float downstream all day long
Tañya lies back in her tube
She loves to kiss underwater
As we swim around in the nude

When we get down to Apple Jacks Tavern
I ask Tañya if she'd like to go in for a drink
She looks at her breasts and says - Like this??!!
And puts her top on with a wink

I get a pitcher of Bud from the bar
And two orders of eggplant parm
Tañya says Tomorrow we'll go get your truck
Tonight let's drink up and walk home to the farm

Pagan Prayer

When we go down to the beach house
I get up before dawn every day
I sit on a dune and as the sun rises
To the old Pagan Gods do I pray

I thank Poseidon for the waves of salt sea
And Apollo for the hot summer sun
Then I bless Venus for all of the girls
Who just want to surf and have fun

Tañya sits down with some coffee
Her robe hangs open and loose
She gives me a kiss
Smiles and says
You must be praying to Zeus

 Te Amo Tañya

Do you want to get married asked Tañya
I replied we must wait and see
I thought of my father's old saying
A man’s better off when he’s free
Over the years I've had some good lovers
In my twenties I had a soul mate
The marriage lasted just over a year
Whiskey turned our love to pure hate
I told Tañya maybe I was too young for marriage
Now I am too old and too wise
But I've been saving a ring for this moment
Which happens to be just your size
I took a loose stone from the fireplace wall
There I had hidden a beautiful diamond set in gold
I said to my Tañya Will you take this old man
Forever to have and to hold
When Tañya saw the ring on her finger
Her large brown eyes welled with tears
I suddenly had a strange feeling
I was losing my old marriage fears
How will this story end
Will death or divorce do us part
I would like to have a big wedding
Then a family I'll be ready to start


Witchy Wedding

As Tañya approaches the altar of stone
I hear the Canon in D start to play
She looks like an angel in her lace wedding dress
Today is our holiest day
As the High Priestess binds my hand to Tañya’s
With a cord of pure gold
She says I'm glad you're together 
Of your deep love I've been told
Then she hands us a chalice
And together we drink
Soon there will be no turning back
To myself I soberly think
The Priestess then says, Tommy do you take Tañya
To be your lover and eternal wife
Do you vow to hold her hand all the days of your life
I do my Lady I say to the Priestess
So mote it be says she
Then she says to Tañya Do you now vow as he?
I do Tañya says as her eyes sparkle from wine
Then we embrace as if we were one
I kiss Tañya with passion just like the first time
A new life for us has begun
Then together we jump the besom
And the Priestess lays her hands on our heads
Tommy and Tañya you two are now one
Blessed be your hearth, your home, and your bed

Bonfire Party

At a bonfire party there is music and dancing
With good food, good weed, and good wine
We have a keg of Budweiser on ice
And everyone has a good time
We have hot dogs, burgers, salmon steaks, clams and corn
For our guests who eat meat and eat fish
I have made some veggie lasagnas
Which of course is my favorite dish
When Tañya is tired of dancing
She leads me up to our room
All she is wearing beneath her lace wedding dress
Is Chanel my favorite perfume
I carry her over the threshold
I really don’t know what to say
I never thought I could be so happy
This is our wedding day
We cuddle under the covers
In the air there is a fall chill
Tañya looks deeply into my eyes
And says I want to stop taking the pill
I’m sure she wants a daughter
To teach the Witchy way
For a happy healthy little girl
To the Goddess Áine do I pray

Our Petting Farm

We drove by an old farmstand
One hot August day
There we met an old farmer
Who had so much to say

He now was past eighty
And he had not an heir
He so loved his small farm
Would anyone care

So we gave him our savings
And granted the farmer life rights
That's how we came to own
A beautiful farm
Developers had in their sights

Bay Sah May

Tañya unbuttons my tight blue jeans
As I slide off her small tank top
She pulls me down onto our bed
And softly whispers Just don't stop

We make love all through the night
Until the break of day
When Tañya wants more oral
She whispers Besame


When you marry a white Witch
You make vows for eternity
To remain true to one another
And we take our vows very seriously

We no longer go to the Midsummer's Night Orgy

And only death will do us part
We may have two bodies
But we share one loving heart

And when we reincarnate

Together again we'll one-day be
When you vow unto a white witch
You're hers eternally

Our Lovin' Coven

What I love about our Coven 

Is how we celebrate sacred sex
And just as we can heal
We can also hex

Our Coven is a sacred place

Where I find love and truth
And like an AA meeting
The bonds of friendship are my proof

Right out in the open

Our Coven has been hidden
I'd like to tell you where we meet
But this is forbidden

Our Coven owns an old stone church

Every Sabbat we have a feast
Stop in for some Point Pleasant pasta 
And say you were invited by a Pagan priest

Midsummer Moon

In a field 'neath the moon on the solstice
Our Midsummer's Night Orgy ensues
In passion we trust
We're enlightened by lust
We sleep with whoever we choose

If you cannot find true love
Why not try some pure lust
One night with a good luvin' coven
Is a form of Tantra I trust

Summer Solstice

Dancing to the music
Of medieval pipes and strings
Drinking deeply from the chalice
As a sultry angel sings

Spinning spinning spinning
As the wind whips between the trees
Tañya falls unto the ground
And says Come dancing Tommy please

As the bonfire rages higher and higher
We dance wildly with the wind
For us the Summer Solstice is sacred
No one can say we have sinned

Tañya takes me into the barn
Her robe slides down to the hay
We make love in the loft through the night
This is how good Pagans pray

For Pagans sex is a union
Of body heart mind and soul
Tañya is the Goddess I have been seeking
Her love makes me feel whole

Summerland Sangria

Now that I'm retired
No more to coach or teach
I'll spend my summers living
In our cottage on the beach

The Lovin' Coven all comes down

For a vacation in July
On the fourth we lay out
And watch the fireworks in the sky

The little Witches all get horny

When they've had too much to drink
But I'd never fool around
What would my Tañya think

I take the Coven sailing
We drink sangria on the sea
The little Witches throw up
Then stand in line to pee

I make my Summerland Sangria
With citrus sugar wine and rum
And some sacred Druid spices
That make the little Witches cum

My Summerland Sangria
Is as potent as she is sweet
And much like my little Tanya's kiss
It will knock you off your feet

   Jersey Shore 

When we go down to the beach house
I sail the day away
I love the ocean so much
I wish all summer we could stay

Getting up before the dawn

Going for my run
Taking out my sailboat
As Tañya lays out in the Sun

Sailing far out on the ocean

We have good winds today
Neptune and Poseidon
Must hear me when I pray

I love our Cape May beach house

And we clean up on the summer's rent
The two weeks after Labor Day
Is vacation time well spent

Our Grove

We sleep in the woods
In a field of soft ferns
The river flows slowly
A small fire burns

We eat wild berries
And drink some sweet wine
Beneath midnight stars
Our bodies entwine

We rise with the dawn
The dog eyes a squirrel
The embers are smoking
I gaze at my girl

We are in love
I feel so serene
In moments like this
Eternity's seen

 Mother Earth

I spend my days weeding
My garden's soft soil
Soon I will harvest
The fruit of my toil

There's a season to reap
A season to sow
And a season to watch
My tomatoes grow

I am a Vegan
I grow all that I eat
It's out of compassion
That I refuse meat

 The Orchard

We have an orchard full of trees
On our lower field
A crop of fruit so bountiful
Each autumn does it yield

We have hayrides and bonfires
When harvest time is here
People pick our apples pears and peaches
While feeding all the deer

Our apples are so large and crisp
Our peaches soft and sweet
These are gifts from Mother Earth
And are much healthier than meat


We hired a young man and his family
To be the petting farm's caretakers
They're living in the carriage house
And they're good Pennsylvania Quakers 

Before we hired the family
We explained our petting farm's Vegan creed
But I could see that they were hungry
And really were in need

Tañya offered them a generous salary
And threw in the carriage house rent free
Then she said why don't you stay
And have some dinner with Tommy and me

They had two beautiful daughters
And a son who was six months old
Sarah and I prepared the dinner
While Tañya the baby did hold

The Palmer's have been with us for years now
Billy is a natural petting farm hand
Sarah cooks very well and keeps our home spotless
Each Yule we give them an extra few grand

When they asked about our religion
We explained our ways the best that we could
They have begun coming to our Sabbat Feasts
I knew one day that they would

The Garden

There's a fence around my garden
That's where the rabbits hide
They come out from dusk to dawn
To see the other side

Although I shut the gate
The rabbits burrow through
They're eating all my carrots
There’s nothing I can do

The rabbits have to eat
So I take it all in stride
But I am wondering if I should
Put my hound inside

My Little Goddess

My little diosa
Te amo amor
Though we’re not rich
We are so far from poor

You laugh at my Spanish
When we talk on the phone
You sing as you cook
You’re my corazòn

You take me to Mass
Every Sunday
I thank Guadalupe
As I watch you pray

My little diosa
You’re the love of my life
I am so thankful
That you are my wife


Tañya loves to go dancing
On a Friday night
I usually need a few drinks
And then I dance all right

She really is so hot
Out on the dance floor
At midnight I ask if she'd like to go
She always says One more

We stay at the club till closing
I ask Tañya if she will drive
When we're dancing I drink too much
But Tañya just comes alive

All I Need

Beauty and love
Lust sex and passion

A good home
A good dog
A good truck

These are the things that make life complete
That and a cute lover to fuck

Stone Home

We live in a stone house
On a hill near the barn
Because we are Vegans
There is nothing we harm

We stay up late every night
And for hours we talk
When we take my hound down the dirt road
We hold hands as we walk

I get up early to spend time with the Gods

And I wake Tanya up with a kiss
As she slowly arises I make her a good breakfast
Every day starts out just like this

 The Hike

I hitched 'cross the country
From coast to coast
One thing that I learned
Those with little gave most

I went thousands of miles
In hundreds of cars
With just my backpack
I slept beneath stars

It's different today
Then it was years ago
Now when I travel
By train do I go

The Great Spirit

I went into the woods
On a warm summer day
I came to the grove
Where I go to pray

I sat on a rock
And gave God some thought
And then I realized
His truth is not taught

God is a Spirit
And there are very few
Who find him inside
The way that I do


Andrea lifts her summer dress
As we lay back in the hay
She was ready for some safe sex
The Amish oral way

I was a farmhand for the summer
We were seventeen
She was the cutest Amish girl
I had ever seen

Her Pa would take the buggy into town
About noon most every day
Leaving the two of us alone
In the barn to play

I was just a young buck
Really no more than a kid
Andrea begged me not to tell a soul
About the things we did

I still think back with fondness
On my blonde-haired Amish beauty
Andrea remained a virgin until marriage
For that was her Amish duty

Tiny Tetas

My Tañya has tiny tetas
And a beautiful Latina tail
The tone of her skin
Is like sweet cinnamon
She makes Americanas look pale

My Tañya has very long soft hair
That goes all the way down to her waist
She likes to wear strawberry lip-gloss
I love how kissing her tastes

What I love most about Tañya
Is how we talk for hours on end
Tañya’s not only my lover
She’s also my very best friend

Snow Bunny

Tañya doesn't like to go skiing 
So we go tubing when we get some snow
We take a couple tubes to the Mount Tabor Golf Course
And flying down the long hill do we go

Then we go to the Black Bass Inn

For a few mugs of warm grog
We cuddle on the couch before an open fire
And warm our feet by the burning Yule Log

If I had some advice for my son

About how to live the good life
I'd say Enjoy your freedom and friends while you are young
And wait till you're forty before finding a wife


When it comes to being Vegan 
I'm compassionate about the things that I eat
Do you realize the horrid torture 
That goes into our milk and eggs and meat

My rule of thumb is never eat
Anything with flesh or eyes
Being a Vegan is a hard way of life
The Gods bless anyone who tries

My High School Lovers

Sophomore summer in an empty house
With a blonde cheerleader named Judy Krauss
We discovered sex on the bedroom floor
And we made love till we were sore

Then my junior year I had
A ballerina named Marie
She’s the one who taught me
Girls love pleasure orally

And senior year I loved Karen Chin
We met in physics class
She had a perfect grade point average
And a perfect Asian ass

Every year in high school
I had lovers in each grade
Some may call this puppy love
But I’d say I had it made

Judy Jody or Jen

Her hair was blonde
Her eyes were blue
Her ass wiggled as she walked
We had a drink
And then another
And through the night we talked
I woke up at four a.m.
In a room I could not place
From the moonlight through the window 
I could see her pretty face
I tried in vain to recall her name
Was it Jody or was it Jen
Maybe it was Judy
I had to find a pen
I went down to the kitchen
And wrote Jody a short note
Had a great time. Will give you a call. Must go feed my dog. 
Quote unquote
This was an 80's one-night stand
We were young and we were chillin'
'Cause every STD
Was cured by penicillin

Shukria Shanti

In college I studied the New Age
With my girlfriend Shanti
And it was her Tantra
That really set my soul free

She said I have learned to choose which Gods
I will love or leave behind
If you are a slave to your religion
You first must free your mind

Her parents were Pakistani
But with Islam she came to disagree
So she joined the New Age
Because of their misogyny

Because of her I freed my mind
As she gave me a good thumping
I love to learn religion
From a woman I am humping

Summer Love

College summers down Cape May
All my friends are here
A cottage on the beach
We did it every year

Steaming clams and corn
On a fire in the sand
Walking down the beach
My lover holds my hand

The nights are getting chilly
As we cuddle 'neath the moon
Another summer lover
Will be a memory soon

Crazy Eddie

I saw a man begging on the street
His coat was torn and dirty
I slipped him a twenty-dollar bill
And said I’m sorry it’s not thirty

He said Thank you sir I’ll go to the thrift shop
And buy a heavy coat and some winter shoes
I am about to freeze to death
I won’t buy any booze

So I took him to an AA meeting
Where we had some coffee and some cake
And he asked the leader
If the coffee he could make

That was over a year ago
Eddie now has an apartment of his own
And he often calls to thank me
For the kindness he was shown

He always goes to my speaker meeting
I love what he has to share
For every soul there is some hope
As long as loving people care

Dixie Pixie

I met a cute pixie
At a frat party so wild
I asked for her name
And at me she smiled

I got her a drink
And we started to dance
But I really just wanted
To get down her pants

So I spent the night drinking
With that cute pixie lass
And came to with her name
Tattooed to my ass

 Catholic Girls

My Tañya is a good Catholic girl
Who takes me to Mass every day
I thank blessed Mary and all the angels and saints
As I watch my lover the rosary pray

And my Tañya is also a white Witch

Who will read your fortune in her tarot cards
When she casts a sex spell
I get horny as hell
Her Book of Shadows she carefully guards

Tañya loves casting her runes

And gazing into her crystal ball
Last night while she was reading her tarot
She heard the banshee's wailing call 

When it comes to dealing with witches

Treat them with the utmost respect
If you hire a Witch to cast a sex spell
Don't make her cast a hex to collect 

Animal Holocaust

It requires eighteen hundred gallons of water
And almost twenty pounds of grain
To produce a single pound of beef
And factory farms cause so much needless pain

More carbon emissions and greenhouse gasses

Do factory farms produce
Then all our cars and trucks and trains and planes
Your carbon footprint's easy to reduce

With the grain Americans feed
Just to pigs and cows
We could end world hunger
Why don't we do this now

Many scholars now believe
To a Vegetarian diet mankind must evolve
When we do I guarantee
So many problems we will solve

 Tohickon Creek

The sun rises each morning
And settles each night
The fall is approaching
But there's still summer's light

A gentle wind blows
Across the Tohickon
Such moments with nature
As a Pagan I'm seekin'

 Blessed Virgin

Did Joseph harbor doubts
About the story Mary told
Mary was a teenage girl
And he was very old

When Mary said she was a virgin
Did Joseph think she lied
If he had abandoned her
She'd be crucified

When he saw his son
Who was not his seed
Hanging on the cross
Did Joseph with him bleed

I think maybe Joseph
Might have had a doubt
But just kept it hidden
And never let it out

Amour et Veritas

Venus and Apollo
Are the two Gods that I follow
They are the Greco-Roman Gods of love and truth

Venus bestows tender love
And Apollo wisdom from above
My joyous Pagan lifestyle is the proof

I read of the Gods of Greece and Rome
Every night when I’m alone
The myths are my scriptures and my holy books

To live in love and truth as I
And find Elysium waiting when you die
 To the Gods in this life you must look

When I take my dog out for her walk
With the Gods I love to talk
Then I stop in my Druid’s grove and hug a tree

As I cook our evening meal
Deep inside I truly feel
The Gods are the reason I'm so fully free

A Royal Threesome

Meghan Markle
Has eyes that sparkle
When she’s about to cum
 Princess Kate must masturbate
'Cause Prince William's rather dumb
I would love to have a threesome 
With Meghan Kate and me
To fuck both royal women
Is an Irish fantasy

The Way of the We

At a Lovin' Coven Sabbat Service
For good food we are glad
And we love to worship the Goddess
Beneath the moon skyclad

We believe our wine and pasta
Gives us sacred ken
And when we pray
We love to say
In the holy name of Aine, R’amen

Since we are all Vegans
We believe in marinara sauce
Did you know the meat you eat
Comes from an animal holocaust

If you’d like to join us
We are all around 
Just ask some loving Witchy friends
They’ll tell you where we can be found


Spirituality is what I seek
Enlightenment is true
If you’re looking for some answers
This is what I’d do

Late at night light a candle
And have a cup of tea
Sit comfortably in your favorite chair
And meditate silently

The answers will come to you
You’ll find a religion that is real
Do this every night
And trust the things you feel

You will find within a month
A sense of serenity and love
And that God is living deep within you
Not in Heaven up above


Tañya is religious
For a girl who’s horny as a goat
When she gets down on her knees to pray
Instead she goes deep throat

Every morning I wake her up
As the Sun begins to rise
I go beneath the bed sheets
And lick between her thighs

She loves to do it cowgirl style
She rides me till I can cum no more
After three or four times
I get very sore

I love having sex with Tañya
I make sure she cums each day
Having a Kama Sutra sex life
Is how Tantric Pagans pray

High Heels

When Tañya comes home at six each night
Dinner’s almost finished cooking
I am just in awe of her
She’s so smart and good-looking

Tañya is so perfect
She makes me feel complete
After a long day in those high heels
I massage her little feet

I was happy as a bachelor
I never thought I’d tie the knot
But Tañya is my soul mate
And she really is so hot


Walking through the orchard
Blossoms fill the trees
I hear the sound above me
Of the honeybees

I pick some wildflowers
And put them in the breakfast nook
Then my Tanya's dinner
I begin to cook

Tonight were having baked ziti
With some salad and red wine
It's almost six and our dinner
Will be ready right on time

Every night I cook our dinner
I do the dishes too
When you're in love and home by three
It's the least that you can do


Tañya is just five foot two
And weighs less than ninety pounds
I think her height is perfect
Her feet can touch the ground

Tañya works out very hard
Every day she hits the gym
She has a perfect little body
Tightly toned and very slim

She received a Mensa level IQ score
When she took their test
Her IQ is one forty four
Witchy wisdom is her quest

She enjoys her career as a real estate broker
She is really doing well
And if you judge her based upon religion
Then you can go to hell

 Elysium Above

Because I am a Pagan
For a good death do I pray
And I know
Where I will go
On my final day

I’ll go be with my Tañya
And all the dogs I love
And with my Lovin' Coven
In Elysium above

I know I’ll have no fear
When it’s my time to die
I’ll go be with the Gods
And leave my loved ones here to cry


Is the sky above us
Or is this but a dream
When I meditate at night
Things are so serene

I tend to go to bed by two
And wake up with the rooster’s crow
On four hours sleep I feel alive
I don’t sleep enough I know

If I had a choice
I would never sleep
But four hours is enough
For my slumber’s very deep


The Gods are only waiting
To find a few who care
When you begin
To look within
You'll find them waiting there 

Take the Greco-Roman Myths
And read as if they are true
You may just come to believe
You'll be one of the few

Mother Nature

The woods are a temple
There are Gods in the trees
The rocks are alive
I feel the streams breathe

The sun and the moon
The dusk and the dawn
The doe gently feeding
With her small baby fawn

High up in a tree 
A grey squirrel loudly chatters
Protect Mother Nature
She is all that matters

Pixie Dream Girl

My manic pixie dream girl
Little hurricane
Has her life together
It's the world that is insane

My manic pixie dream girl
Never will eat meat
Goes around all summer
In short shorts and bare feet

My manic pixie dream girl
Object of my love and lust
When I'm asleep do you sprinkle me
With your pixie dust?

Lefty Lucy 

Lefty Lucy wears no furs

Sings no hymns
Prefers hers
Lefty Lucy she's OK
Says let's do lunch some other day
Lefty Lucy righty tighty
She's as wise as God almighty
Lefty Lucy lefty loose
She says that God's real name is Zeus
Lefty Lucy I do agree
This is a fact that few men see

Grandma's Wedding Advice

My Tomarsheen

Bring her flowers often

Kiss her when you meet

Always open the car door

And at the restaurant hold her seat

When you’re walking down the road

Reach out and hold her hand

For life is but an hourglass

Running low on sand

Tell her that you love her

Say the things you feel

Write her love notes every day

And she’ll know your love is real

Tanya is a very 

Special little lass

But if you fail to cherish her

Her love will quickly pass

Finally my Tomarsheen

Take her to Mass each and every week

And you will have a happy home

Which is all any man should seek 


I wear my Grandma’s claddagh
It was her wedding band
When she lay dying in the hospital
She put it on my hand

She said Tommy remember the old ways
Keep the traditions I taught
And always pray - For the IRA
And remember why we fought

I stayed with her unto the end
And wouldn’t leave her side
I softly wept when my Gram
Gave up the ghost and died

My Grandma was like Tañya
A good Witch who loved the Mass
I'm sure when she was younger
She was a naughty little lass

As I Grow Older

As I grow older
I slowly mature
I have the heart of a boy
But I'm now so much more

As I grow older
I ponder the past
And I have a feeling
Life doesn't long last

As I grow older
My love deeply grows
My soul becomes wiser
The truth my mind knows


I am a fallen angel
Seduced to the other side
But I know the scripture
And I know the Messiah lied

Fifteen times within the Gospels
The Messiah prophesied
He would return to begin his kingdom
Before his disciples died

So now I worship the Gods of old
And I'm a Pagan with some pride
I was once a Christian
But I joined the other side

 The Bodhisattva

The match lights a candle
That burns through the night
I listen in silence
As I watch its light

As I meditate
My mind becomes clear
The sound of my breath
Is all that I hear

A serene peace of mind
Is all that I feel
It's almost as if
Nothing is real

There are some things
Every day I must do
Just as I eat
I must meditate too


I've begun enjoying milk and eggs once again
Since Tañya has become my wife
We have a hen house by the barn
And we have a strong reverence for life

Being a Veg adds years to your life
And is good for you spiritually too
Karma's not based on what you believe
You’re blessed for the good that you do

The Vegetarian Mind

Socrates was a Vegetarian

Tesla and Einstein too
For Buddha, da Vinci, Plato and Gandhi
This was the most compassionate thing they could to do

Some of the world's finest minds

Have believed in a Vegetarian diet 
If you feel the calling to go Veg 
Do some research and just try it

Split Rock Quarry

We go to the quarry called Split Rock
Every summer to cliff dive
We take my truck on a trail through the woods
And hike up a hill that's too steep to drive

Tañya takes off her tank top
And smiles as she slides off her short skirt
She looks at me with a gleam in her eye
She is an insatiable flirt

After we swim I make some burritos
We have cases of Coronas on ice
I pull Tañya close and softly I whisper
My God you are looking so nice

We stay at the quarry for days at a time
And sleep in my oversize tent
If you've never gone to a quarry cliff diving
Your summers just aren't well spent

The Village

We have two beautiful Clydesdales
Every day we love to ride
We take them through the wooded trails
Till we reach the riverside
And we have two black Maine coon cats
Sabrina has a white bib on her chest
Savannah is her sister
They love to hunt all day then rest
We rescued a Springer Spaniel
After Good Girl passed
Reilly is a loving pup
Long may his dog’s life last
We have a hen house full of chickens
And a cow named Bess
We often play out in the hay
I love to watch Tanya undress
We have sheep and goats and llamas
On our petting farm
We teach busloads full of children
How Vegans do no harm
I am very happy
On our farm that’s filled with pheasant
In the Pennsylvania town
Known as the Village of Point Pleasant

Good Girl

Fifteen years ago
You were a puppy in the pound
How was I to know
Such love was in a hound

Beneath a cold November sky
I must let my Good Girl die
As the vet puts her to sleep
I can’t help but softly weep

I hold her lifeless body close
For now this is goodbye
I’ll see you at my wake Good Girl
You’ll be there when I die

Coon Cats

Sabrina and Savannah
Are our two black Maine Coon Cats
They love to hunt and leave their prey
On our back porch mat

The cats go out every morning

They love to hunt all day
They can be found
Just prowling around
Or asleep in the barn in the hay

They come in at dusk
And curl up on my favorite chair
When Tañya goes to bed
They always join her there

We had to get a king size bed
To hold the cats and Good Girl too
But our pets are like our children
So what else could we do


Reilly is my dog now
He goes with me everywhere
He is like a child
We are the perfect pair

In Point Pleasant you can take your dog
Into any store or bar
In the summer it gets very hot
You can’t leave them in the car

He is just a year old
No more than a pup
I got him at a rescue
I don’t know who would give him up

Reilly is a Springer Spaniel
A gift from the Gods above
God is dog spelled backwards
‘Cause both are full of love

Reilly and the Coon Cats

Reilly loves to go sailing
The cats love hunting on the dune
I ask Venus sadly
Why did you die so soon

It has been a year since Tañya died
And I find I still am grieving
I’d like to simply sail away
Just tell the Coven I am leaving

I have Reilly and the Coon Cats
They know I’m feeling bad
I know I must move on
But I feel so sad

Perhaps I should date again
Try to live my life
But I’m still in love with Tañya
My late Latina wife

 Now that Tañya’s gone
I dream of her when I am sleeping
Her death has me so sad
I often wake up weeping
I put Chanel upon her pillow
Because I still deeply care
When I burn her favorite incense
It’s almost like she’s there
Tañya’s soul is with me
I feel her from time to time
Though she’s gone for now
Her memory will be mine 

I can hear Tañya singing
Like when she used to cook
I see her shadow by the fire
When I'm curled up with a book

Sometimes there is movement
In her rocking chair
I know this is her ghost
For nobody’s there

Tañya is with me
She is welcome to stay
But when the cups fall and go crashing
For her ghost do I pray

Santa Muerte

I've thought long and hard
About life's basic truths
Philosophical questions
With self-evident proofs

On life's greatest mystery
I have peace of mind
When I'm at my wake
I know what I'll find

All men must face
The angel of death
But I know I’ll see Tañya
When I draw my last breath

Ange de Amour

You always said you would be careful
In those New Hope bars
I used to warn you what bad Witches do
To pretty girls with flashy cars
You had a gin and tonic
Not too much to drink and drive
If you only had your seat belt on
You’d still be alive
I sold the petting farm to our Coven
I could not bear to stay
And I bought a schooner
I named her the Besame
I’m living in our shore house
And I spend my days sailing out to sea
When I gaze upon the clouds
I know you’re watching over me
Every day at dawn - I pray upon our dune
And I ask Persephone - Why she took your life so soon
Please take care of Good Girl
And meet me at my wake
Those the Gods love deeply
Are the first ones that they take

We Buried Tañya’s Ashes

We buried Tañya’s ashes
Beneath a puddingstone
We were in love for six short years
Now I'm all alone

We buried Tañya’s ashes
In a cedar chest
She always was so full of life
I hope she finds some rest

We buried Tañya’s ashes
In the lower field
It will take forever
Before my heart has healed

We buried Tañya’s ashes
On our petting farm
I don’t know if this is legal
But we saw no harm

Now that Tañya's buried
It’s time for me to go
The animals will be cared for by the Coven
 Of this I surely know

Tommy and Tañya

When I contemplate
Our tragic fate
Although you were drugged
It’s not in me to hate

I know I'll see you one-day
Until then I'll pray
At my wake you'll be waiting
And with you I will stay

In Elysium above
We’ll be in love
And you’ll be my spiritual wife

When your eyes I see
Then I will be free
For you give meaning to life


Tañya I love you so much
I would give my soul to hear you say

Tommy I’m home How are you my love
Venus said I could stay with you for one more day


A girl came from the Coven
She was standing in the snow
I asked if she would come in
She said That’s why I’m here you know

She sat before the fire
In Tañya’s rocking chair
She was young and pretty
With beautiful blonde hair

I asked if she would like some wine
She said Yes and have you any weed
I kept my kush up in the kitchen cupboard 
More than I would ever need

She said The girls in the Coven have been talking
You’ve been alone now for a year
I thought you’d like a lover
Someone to hold you near

I’ve always had my eye on you
But out of respect for your late wife
I decided just to let you mourn
Then help you get on with your life

Passion moved in that very night
My time of mourning finally ends
I have found true love again
Thanks to my Lovin’ Coven friends

The Blessing

She said My name is Silke
But Passion’s what my friends call me
It's not good to be alone
So I’ve come to set you free

She reached out and held my hand
And gazed into my eyes
She asked if she should stay the night
Or should she say goodbye

I led her to the bedroom
Where we made gentle love
Passion is a second blessing
From the Gods above



I bought Passion a Christmas gift this year
One that brought some Yuletide cheer
A gorgeous full-length fox fur coat

Now being Vegan's not a game 
But Passion loves fur all the same
So in the pocket I left her a beautiful love note

You are my lover and my best friend,
May our passion never end 
I love you so much, Te Amo is a bit of what I wrote

Passion had asked for some nice wool socks
Instead I bought her arctic fox
From a furrier who has a yacht next to my schooner

When I saw Passion's pure delight
I knew what I had done was right
And I wished I had thought of this gift so much sooner

When we saw the Coven on Yule Day
All the girls had much to say
They were so full of envy Passion had to grin

There was a teenage Gothic Witch
Who said to Passion like a bitch
As a Vegan I believe a fur coat is a sin

So Passion looked her in the eye
And said You have a point I cannot lie
By the way I like the boots and biker jacket you are in

As we were driving home that night
Passion said I know you think that girl was right
And it hurt your conscience to buy me arctic fox

But this fur is pure luxury
Never has a guy been so good to me
I would have cried if you had bought me those wool socks

The moral to this little tale
There are times when we all fail
For we all fall short of the essence of the Bruja Rede

Do unto others and harm none
Life is both hard work and fun
So wear your boots and with compassion feed 

Blue Stockings

She has blonde hair and blue stockings
And I love to watch her strut
She has much larger breasts than Tañya
And a perfect Nordic butt

She likes to wear white dresses
That she buys and then re-sews
She always wears blue stockings
The Way she full well knows

Like a Viking she loves sailing
She is lustful on the sea
Yet I thank God her perfume
Is Eternity

Petit Ange

Tañya's gone
And life goes on
Now I'm with my lover Passion girl

But what I really miss 
Is Tañya's soul kiss
To kiss her once I would give the world

Though Passion I love
Like an ange from above
I know Tañya I’ll never replace

My beautiful Dominicana
With her big smile, bright eyes, and sweet face

Book of Shadows

When I read my Tañya’s letters
She was so in love with me
When I read her Book of Shadows
I was amazed at all that she could see

She even knew her time was near
And that she soon would die
She wrote me a final letter
This was her sad goodbye

She locked her last love letter away
To be opened when she passed
Tañya so deep is my love for you
And will forever last

Passion is so cheerful
She is just what my soul needs
Passion is so full of love
Though she knows my heart still bleeds


When Good Girl died I went out
And got Reilly right away

When Tañya died I took a year
To grieve and mourn and pray

Persephone is the Goddess

Who has answered my deepest prayer

With an angel I have come to love

Who has blue stockings and blonde hair


Late at night when I meditate
Tañya and I still talk
I can smell 
Her Chanel
When Reilly and I walk

Tañya told me Elysium is so beautiful
And Valhalla is too cold
That she'll be with me till the end
When I am very old

She said my deepest prayer was answered
And she’ll be waiting at my wake
And trusting ugly New Hope hags
Was her one mistake

Red Rose

My new lover’s Norwegian name is Silke
But Passion is her Coven name
She used to be a fashion model
Now she’s in the fine arts game

She always writes love letters
With her antique calligraphy pen
She used to fool around with beautiful women
And date models who were muscle men

Every day I buy Passion a rose
She keeps them all over our home
I leave them with a note on her pillow
And usually write her a love poem


I spoke with Merci the High Priestess
And asked for her advice
Was it too soon to marry Passion
She said Oh Biv that would be nice

So I went to Tañya’s jeweler
And picked out a gorgeous diamond ring
Now around the beach house
I hear Passion sing

We decided to have the wedding
In August on Lamas Day
So all of our friends can get stoned
We’ll be married on the Besame

We’ll have a bonfire reception
On the Cape May beach
True happiness is once again
Just within my reach

Then we’ll honeymoon in Norway
So I can meet all of Passion's kin
Though Passion made me promise
No more threesome sin

Purity and Prudence

Passion had identical twins
A couple of years ago
Purity and Prudence are my daughters
They are gifted young Brujas I know

They have Passion’s heart and hair
And they have my eyes and soul
Seeing them grow up healthy and happy
Now is my life's true goal

Purity loves writing poems and spells
Prudence loves photography and art
To encourage their creativity
Homeschooling this year did I start

In the summer we go surfing and sailing
In January we go to Vermont to snowboard and ski
My girls love the ocean and the mountains
And spending time with Passion and me

Now that I have twin daughters
My three gorgeous women the roost are ruling
Life can be exhausting when you are over-sexed
And two gifted young Brujas homeschooling

Puddle Duck 

The girls have brushed their teeth for bed

They are upstairs in the bath
While they’re splashing in the water
I listen to them laugh

I tell the girls a bedtime story

They love the Tales of Puddle Duck and Tom Cat
I make the stories up as I go along
Passion is always amazed by that

Before I tuck them into bed
We say a little prayer
That Venus and Apollo
Bless all for whom we care

They fall asleep so quickly
This has been another busy Bruja day
My three loving little ladies
Are the reason I now pray



Every day I make Breakfast

For my lady and our twins

I get up before the sunrise

This is how my day begins


I put a kettle of tea

And fry up eggs or some pancakes

I get Passion up with a gentle kiss

The girls are already wide awake


Passion usually has a grapefruit

The girls love fresh orange juice

When I make them scrambled eggs

I say I got them from a wild goose


On weekends the girls have cereal

Prudence loves Coco Puffs with chocolate milk

Purity loves Captain Crunch and sliced bananas

Passion wears her pajamas made of silk


The twins help me make omelets or pancakes

Or some simple Veggie recipe

They really are very good cooks

Soon they’ll be chefs better than me


Eternal Love

I have had good lovers
Who have changed my life in many ways
And though they are a memory
They’ll be with me all my days

I was blessed that Passion found me
For I really wasn’t looking
But every woman loves to have
A man who does the cooking

Twin Brujas

From the moment we met
 I knew there was hope yet
That love would be mine for life

By the next Lamas

Passion and I made our promise
We would be husband and wife

A new life begins
And now we have twins
Things are going so well

But we are both sure
We won't have any more
For at times life with twin Brujas is hell

Queen of the Dead

I had a red Karmann Giah
She was a sacred car
 With her I followed the Grateful Dead
On a tank of gas she'd go so far

You could sleep in the back of her
She would comfortably hold two
I was in my twenties
You know what we would do

I gave her to my sister
And Kelly drove her till she died
Bertha was a beautiful car
When we lost her Kelly cried

Every car I ever had
Had a good name and a soul
But Bertha was the best of them
She was the Queen of Rock and Roll

A Mentor

When it comes to the Craft
There are only two paths you can take
One is the path of eternal love
The other path you should forsake

One path is for the good Brujas
This is the path to the right
To the left is the Prince of Darkness
Search for the Angel of Light

It is easier to stay out than get out
When you are choosing a Path
So find a mentor who is loving and true
And avoid those who instill fear of wrath


Magically Delicious

Slice some oranges, lemons, and some limes
This recipe takes little time
Add two cups of sugar and a pint of rum

Add a gallon of sweet red wine
Soon you will be feeling fine
Add some magic mushrooms so your mind will cum

The mushrooms grow by mossy streams
They're known to cause intense daydreams
Which are very mellow and so very nice

Store this in a copper pot
In the winter serve it hot
Or you can chill the wine by adding lots of ice

Summerland Sangria's magically delicious
And this old recipe truly is propitious
When you drink this wine I'm sure you will agree 

The future will meld with the past
You’ll wish all night the trip would last
And you'll love to make this for your next orgy


Brujas and Druids worship with the wheel of the year
The Sabbats and Esbats are our holy days
We call down the Moon when she is full
These are our sacred Pagan ways

We do not worship Christ or the Devil
We believe in love and the truth
We are serene, happy, joyous and free
This alone is our living proof

If you’d like to join a Lovin' Coven
Study alone for a year and a day
Then search online for one that meets on the full moon
A Coven that teaches the Way

May you find a good Lovin’ Coven
May you get a beautiful triquetra tattoo
Or you may choose to fly solo
Whichever you prefer to do


Imagine there’s no factory farming
And no hungry children too
Imagine if the world was Vegan
And our problems were so few

Imagine there’s no heaven
It is just as well
Imagine the Bahamas
Are the extent of living hell

I believe I’ll live to see the day
When the human race evolves
Spiritual solutions
Will our deepest problems solve



The answer’s always yes

Unless you know it must be no

Say yes to life and love

And in wisdom you will grow


Go where you have friends

For there do you belong

But if you’re filled with doubt

You should stay out

Your instincts are never wrong


The best answer is yes

Though you should trust the things you feel

If you know the answer’s no

Just say so and be real

 The Way Home

I still enjoy my morning Mass

And going to AA

I’m a Druid and a Bruja

This is my Sacred Way


For each of us there is a path

That simply just feels right

Finding your life’s destiny

Takes wisdom and insight


When you find the Way

Which leads to your eternity

May you be blessed

And pass your test

May you be set free


Carpe Diem

I get up before the dawn

And have a cup tea

Then I read the Sutras
And meditate silently

In a way I’m wealthy

For I’m serene and so content
And I have found in this life
True enlightenment

My opus is now finished
I end my little tome
I hope you have enjoyed
These enchanted passion poems

I close my book and wish you well
I pray you find the Way
And if you already are a Bruja
Then blessed be your day

If you would like a beautifully bound copy of my poems for $4 they are available on Amazon under the title Goddess of the Grove by Thomas O'Connor. All proceeds will be donated to 11th Hour Rescue the no-kill animal shelter where I adopted my bloodhound Good Girl and my springer spaniel Reilly.  

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